Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chord Progession

This piece didn't take me anywhere near as long as any of the other ones. i actually had an idea for a chord progression at first, and it sounded alot like it could be from the game "Okami". It was very Japanese sounding. But, once i read the instructions for the project, i realized that my chords were not 1, 4, and 5 chords.

So i went out on an adventure to change the chords :/

But first ill tell you how i made the song. First, i had a c chord, and i was looking and looking and looking to find a nice sound, and then i found the Metal Harp sound, and i thought it sounded very Japanese, and that was when i decided to make an Okami-like song. I found mallets for the arpeggios, and a cool droplet sound for the back round (i put random beats for the droplets to make it sound authentic).

then i realized that i had to change it... so all i really did was change a few notes, and moved the chords put a few notes, and DOODEDOO!! i had my chord progression.

At the end of the song i kept the original chords to make an ending that kinda makes you go "wait, what?"

All i did after that was add a drum loop to make it seem less lullaby-y and then it was done :)

Hope you like it :3