Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chord Progession

This piece didn't take me anywhere near as long as any of the other ones. i actually had an idea for a chord progression at first, and it sounded alot like it could be from the game "Okami". It was very Japanese sounding. But, once i read the instructions for the project, i realized that my chords were not 1, 4, and 5 chords.

So i went out on an adventure to change the chords :/

But first ill tell you how i made the song. First, i had a c chord, and i was looking and looking and looking to find a nice sound, and then i found the Metal Harp sound, and i thought it sounded very Japanese, and that was when i decided to make an Okami-like song. I found mallets for the arpeggios, and a cool droplet sound for the back round (i put random beats for the droplets to make it sound authentic).

then i realized that i had to change it... so all i really did was change a few notes, and moved the chords put a few notes, and DOODEDOO!! i had my chord progression.

At the end of the song i kept the original chords to make an ending that kinda makes you go "wait, what?"

All i did after that was add a drum loop to make it seem less lullaby-y and then it was done :)

Hope you like it :3


  1. I really like the first pattern, especially the way the two sounds fit together. I also really like the way your drum loop fits into the song, great choice. However, towards the ending some of the notes sound like they clash. Overall nice work! :)

  2. nice sound choice. like the simple melody line you had going. not sure if this really sounds much lilke Okami, but it definitly sounds cool. nice work. the water droplets were a nice touch, as well. think you could have done something different woth the ending, though- not neccesarily the creepy part, but you could have just made it minor instead of dissonant. great job, though.

  3. I like the ending, and it fits well with your post. Sometimes mistakes spawn creativity (pennicillin, kevlar, teflon).
    good use of the I IV V, and I like the Japanese feel to it. light, and airy. Cool.

  4. Definitely sounds like something in Okami.
