Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Now for my next project: The Sytrus.

This song, like most of my others, is inspired by the soundtrack to the ".Hack//" PS2 games. The music in those games is very electronic, and i swear to god the same drum line i used was in a boss battle in that game :).

So first i started out just making my sounds. I stared with the Default sytrus sound, an annoying beep that could probably kill anyone if they listened to it for too long. Then to make my first sound i changed the shape of the wave to a saw/square wave. I turned the skew up the tiniest little bit. Then i went to the FX tab, and turned on delay. then i changed the chorus to 5. After turning on the correct volume buttons, i had my first sound :D. This is the sound that arpeggiates throughout the whole song.

To make my next sound, I tuned up the skew a hair, and turned the Pre-Filter all the way down. Then i created a volume envelope and made the sound kinda wavey. It gets louder then softer throughout the beat. There were go effects used, just the above changes. This creates the melody underneath the arpeggio.

After i made my sounds, i created at melody for my first syth, and i really liked the arpeggio sound, so ,i used it. I had trouble thinking of a melody (like i always do), so i just played the arpeggios over and over and over again playing with the keyboard untul i came up with this little melody and i thought it fit perfectly.

Then i found this drum loop, and i really LOVE it. I didnt realize till just now that i used in my one of my other projects too... After the drum loop was put in i just added kick drum on the beats, to emphasize the bass more.

And thats my sytrus project. :)

Hope you enjoy it :D


  1. I like the way the arpeggio melody goes in steps. (kind of like the chords projects) I also liked the backround sound, and how it kind of adds the the statement that the other parts are making. ^^

  2. very good melody over the arpeggio part. The two sounds blend together well. I'd like to hear the melody develop a bit more as it does repeat quite a bit. Some variation would be welcome. Your post was very descriptive. Exactly what I'm looking for. Well done.

  3. nice electronic sound. definitly try to save that synth. the tune was pretty good too. nice work with the arpeggiating sound. the song is pretty sweet, with how you got the whole thing to sound creepy and full of action at the same time. props :)
